We introduce a challenging decision-making task that we call active acquisition for multimodal temporal data (A2MT). In many real-world scenarios, input features are not readily available at test time and must instead be acquired at significant cost. With A2MT, we aim to learn agents that actively select which modalities of an input to acquire, trading off acquisition cost and predictive performance. A2MT extends a previous task called active feature acquisition to temporal decision making about high-dimensional inputs. Further, we propose a method based on the Perceiver IO architecture to address A2MT in practice. Our agents are able to solve a novel synthetic scenario requiring practically relevant cross-modal reasoning skills. On two large-scale, real-world datasets, Kinetics-700 and AudioSet, our agents successfully learn cost-reactive acquisition behavior. However, an ablation reveals they are unable to learn to learn adaptive acquisition strategies, emphasizing the difficulty of the task even for state-of-the-art models. Applications of A2MT may be impactful in domains like medicine, robotics, or finance, where modalities differ in acquisition cost and informativeness.
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使用环境模型和值函数,代理可以通过向不同长度展开模型来构造状态值的许多估计,并使用其值函数引导。我们的关键识别是,人们可以将这组价值估计视为一类合奏,我们称之为\ eNPH {隐式值合奏}(IVE)。因此,这些估计之间的差异可用作代理人的认知不确定性的代理;我们将此信号术语\ EMPH {Model-Value不一致}或\ EMPH {自给智而不一致。与先前的工作不同,该工作估计通过培训许多模型和/或价值函数的集合来估计不确定性,这种方法只需要在大多数基于模型的加强学习算法中学习的单一模型和价值函数。我们在单板和函数近似设置中提供了从像素的表格和函数近似设置中的经验证据是有用的(i)作为探索的信号,(ii)在分发班次下安全地行动,(iii),用于使用基于价值的规划模型。
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基于模型的强化学习的关键承诺之一是使用世界内部模型拓展到新颖的环境和任务中的预测。然而,模型的代理商的泛化能力尚不清楚,因为现有的工作在基准测试概括时专注于无模型剂。在这里,我们明确测量模型的代理的泛化能力与其无模型对应物相比。我们专注于Muzero(Schrittwieser等,2020),强大的基于模型的代理商的分析,并评估其在过程和任务泛化方面的性能。我们确定了一个程序概括规划,自我监督代表学习和程序数据分集的三个因素 - 并表明通过组合这些技术,我们实现了普通的最先进的概括性和数据效率(Cobbe等人。,2019)。但是,我们发现这些因素并不总是为Meta-World中的任务泛化基准提供相同的益处(Yu等人,2019),表明转移仍然是一个挑战,可能需要不同的方法而不是程序泛化。总的来说,我们建议建立一个推广的代理需要超越单任务,无模型范例,并朝着在丰富,程序,多任务环境中培训的基于自我监督的模型的代理。
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